Friday, January 15, 2010

En Route: Dreamin'

Need I say more?  No.  But I am going to anyway.

I love this holiday.  Yes, the day off is nice.  Yes, often times my birthday falls over this long weekend, and how cool is that?  But more than anything it is just outstanding that our country has a federal holiday devoted to a minority.  To frame this man in such general, even callous terms borders on the vulgar, but come on, did you forget where you were?

Martin Luther King, Jr. is easily one of my top 5 most essential historical figures.  I mean, he's right up there with Chris Farley and the guy that invented Kraft Singles.  We're talking big time here.  He arguably did more for this country than any non-President, perhaps with the exception of Benjamin Franklin, who has basically earned honorary President status given his appearance on our currency.  And perhaps most importantly, his actions fit right in line with FSD's core ideal:  namely, that it doesn't matter if your statements will be considered controversial, unpopular, or even foolish, just say it, that is, if you truly mean it.

And do you even know how much tale this cat pulled down?  By day, he was a blunt instrument of equality, tearing down every official racial barrier that stood in our nation's way.  By night, he was a ladies' man, fucking everything and anything that moved.  If you suddenly feel as if you're not doing enough with your life, well, you're probably right.  So don't fight it.  But, while you're thinking over your next life maneuver, take a break with some of this choice e-literature:
  • Hockey and football, united in perfect harmony... /sniffles (Melt Your Face Off)
  • You can take the Tiger out of golf, but you can't take the... Tiger out of golf? (The Sportress)
  • Too bad Gil wasn't aware of such services (Food Court Lunch)
  • And it is good to see the spirit of MLK still alive and well.  Ahem. (Style Points)
MLK weekend y'all.  Let freedom ring from couch to comfy recliner.


  1. Even MLK knew OJ killed Nicole Brown and Ron Gold....

  2. Shit. Who do you think told OJ to do it in the first place?
