Do you suffer from chronic sinus problems? Do you get sinus headaches in the morning? Post-nasal drip? Do you have trouble breathing through your nose while the dentist hacks at your teeth? Do your sinus issues seem to suck the life out of you, or at least, is that the excuse you are using? If so, then we've got the answer to your problems!
Introducing, the NETI POT!

Simply pour warm water into the pot, add the contents from the sodium mixture, shake, tilt your head over the sink, stick the spout up your nose and be prepared to breath freely!
Originally a Guantanamo Bay torture technique, the Neti Pot method has been tested on over 500 illegal detainees held captive under US supervision on the Cuban island. Proving to be only moderately effective in obtaining sensitive terrorist information, the Neti Pot was however an enormous success in clearing out the nasal passageways of the detainees. The general effect was that the detainees experienced less snoring were more alert and less disgruntled.
As Donald Rumsfeld notes:
"We were trying to torture the bastards. We didn't even care if we got the information we were looking for, we just wanted to see them squirm. And for a while it worked. But then, with all that damned fresh air pouring into their moistened, unblocked nasal tubing, it turns out we had the unintended effect of actually improving their lifestyle. I hate that fucking Neti Pot."Thanks, Don!
The results are clear! So if you're sick of sleeping poorly, breathing exclusively through your mouth, or maybe if you just have to get that dirty secret off of your chest, then the Neti Pot is right for you!
The Neti Pot! Like waterboarding, but not as inhumane! Just don't call it torture!
Neti Pot is not responsible for any unwanted information that is disclosed while undergoing the Neti Pot method. Also, Neti Pot, INC. will not be held responsible for any nightmares that occur as a result of the Neti Pot process. If you are a poor swimmer and/or hold your nose when diving into a swimming pool, then the Neti Pot may not be right for you. Consult your local lifeguard prior to using the Neti Pot
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