So, we are at the twilight of the sports year. Sure, the steady undercurrent that is baseball will carry us like a lazy river into the football season, but the seasonal dread has already taken hold. Typically it is the winter time that causes so many to regress into a crippling inertia, causing them to pack on pounds and reduce their overall productivity and capacity for optimism. However, in the case of my co-conspirator, their seems to be a case of the Summer Blues. Yes indeed, while Deuce's Mo Williams-like performance over the past two weeks has left us all a little uninspired (at least no guarantees were involved, I guess), there is plenty to be optimistic about over the next few months.
For little does Deuce know, that contrary to popular notions, football is not the time when this site thrives. In fact, it is these warmer months when the publishing and site traffic hits it's peak.
Sure, I mean look at what is on tap; forget baseball, the WNBA and the MLS are just getting started, and if you're like me, then nothing gets you more amped than women's basketball and amateur soccer. We're gonna be bursting with content over the coming months. I can barely control myself while typ... Coming... Bursting... Oh.... Oh God! (Shutters).
Forgive me...
So if you're not excited, then you better get excited, mother fuckers! Because the hiatus is up, and Cap'n b. Lee is back on the prowl. Plus, we got game 3 tonight, a MASSIVE game 7 tomorrow, and some continued Red Sox domination of little known division rival. So much time, so little to do...
Strike that. Reverse it.
It's good to be back y'all.
(I'll fill you in on where I've been tomorrow).
Winners don't take days off.
ReplyDeleteEven Rapest winners.
Unless we're talking about your dad... Because he's winner and he's never worked a day in his life. Which is why you grew up like Kenny from South Park