Our backs are against the wall...
It's do or die...
Win or go home...
I found a lump on my breast...
Yada fuckin Yada...
To be truthful, your loyal hockey apologist hasn't even watched one game during the Stanley Cup finals. For this, I should be publicly flogged. But given my activities during the course of this series, please find it in your hearts to forgive me.
These two teams hate each other at this point. They are so sick of each other's cheap shots. They're done with all the shit talking that the other team has thrown at them. And both of these teams are finished toying with the other and are dead set on proving their superiority (especially the Red Wings). Tonight's the night when everything should be released, because what the hell else are they going to use it for after this game? And if they want to throw a few extra periods in the form of OT at me, then that's cool, too. Either way, even if it feels like shaking the hand of an ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend, these two teams will still shake hands once the game is over in the ultimate sign of sportsmanship (unlike Bron Bron).
One critic noted that this series would go 7 games... You're welcome.
Rejoice all anti-hockey fans, for this is the last time you will have to endure anymore hockey talk until the Fall!
Or until I get nostalgic and/or run out of things to write about. Both of which are a possibility.
So, do yourself a favor and enjoy the show tonight.
Goodbye, my loooove!
I bet you'd enjoy a public "flogging"....They let people like you have blogs like this?