Anyway, here's a snapshot of Deuce and I trying to coordinate our travel plans, which should also serve as a sneak preview of what the weekend's discourse will be like as well.

Deuce (7:19 PM): What time you fagwhores arrive on Thursday?
b. Lee (7:27 PM): 9:30. Checking a bag, so won't be good to go until closer to 10. We jumping a train or catching a ride?
Deuce (7:28 PM): That's why I asked. I might meet y'all at the airport and train it with you. It's probably faster than driving... (Since Chicago's traffic is a fucking disaster).
b. Lee (7:35 PM): We'll just form our own train... You can be in the middle... Ride it straight to the Map Room.
Deuce (7:36 PM): Just call me Lucky Pierre
b. Lee (7:46 PM): You'll be feeling like Unlucky Pierre when I'm done with you.
Deuce (7:47 PM): The shit on your dick says your boyfriend is the most unlucky.
b. Lee (7:51 PM): Hahahaha... Prior to potty time is the best time for rear entry. Everybody knows that... Which is why the Deuce is always prepared.
Deuce (8:11 PM): Something about how David Beckham now plays for the White Sox
Deuce (8:19 PM): Something about how Deuce would like nothing more than to go down on David Beckham while he jams a weighted bat up his own ass...
Looking forward to it good buddy! Now if I can only find that lube...
after reading this, i'm going to have to request that you two converse solely via text message all weekend.