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We don't believe in "grades" here at Free Spirit Academy. We feel that grades only serve to confine the soul, and restrict real emotional and social development. Instead we explore a truly developmental path with our students in hopes of augmenting the maturation process and removing the restrictions, as well as the anti-progressive nature of the rigid pass-fail framework, so that in time we can all become responsible adults, allowing us to make sound judgments and informed decisions.
It is with this backdrop in mind, that ESPN has allowed us to take a look at some of the NFL's draft picks, organization by organization, in order to assess the quality of these selections, not to condemn or marginalize, but rather to improve their outlook and hopefully enhance the quality of their decisions in the future.So let's get started shall we?The New York Jets: Sparkling.
Even in your young age, you continue to impress and please. A defensive-minded coach takes the reigns, adds wisdom and athleticism to one side of the ball in free agency, and THEN picks a quarterback in the first-round?! We are just so impressed with your balance. You took initiative, and added value to your team. Your parents are going to be so proud of you.The Houston Texans: Glowing.
You have taken such great steps since you have been in the league. Even with your, let's call it, questionable first pick ever, you have persevered and continued to push ahead, even when people have nothing good to say about your decisions. I'm looking at your Mr. Super Mario!You located your problems and have decided to meet them head on, bolstering your defense and improving the positive vibes in your front office. Keep it up because everything is bigger in Texas, especially that number in the "W" column.The New England Patriots: Steady
Oh Bill, you always have us fooled don't you. You walk to the beat of your own grumpy drum, and that is just fine with the Academy. You work with an eye toward the future, knowing that the present is only what is right under your nose, but that the future extends beyond what your watchful eyes can see. No linebackers? No problem. One will come around in time. And just look at the diversity in your picks. Willing to take a chance on a problem child. You are a saint, indeed. Good luck, Bill. Although we all know that you won't need it.The Dallas Cowboys: Curious.
But in a good way! You tried to do the best with what you had, and that is noble. But I think we learned a valuable lesson in foresight, right? It's important to be happy in the now, but of course the future is where we want to be happy. Look at your classmate, Mr. Belichick. He understands this better than anyone. Maybe we should have you two sit next to each other. But, you tried to make the best with what you had, and you did your best, even if your best isn't good enough.The Denver Broncos: Interesting...
Okay, I'm not mad at you, but I think we can make better decisions. Mr. Moreno may have a very productive football career, and perhaps Mr. Ayers can add to your pass rush in the short term, but I feel as if we did not necessarily address your needs properly. We all have needs that need be addressed, and while running backs can be fun, fun is not worth much when your defense is getting gashed and your offense is never on the field, and even when it is, your quarterback stinks...Okay, I apologize. Your future is very bright, and you are the shining light at the end of your fans' tunnel.The Oakland Raiders: Ahm...
Are you actually enrolled here at the Academy? Oh, you are? Cause I don't see you on the... Okay, so you are under LA Raiders still. Okay, we'll get that fixed...Wow, I am not sure sure what you did here... Are you sure you should be here? I mean, what the fuck? No, I'm not even sorry about this. You are utterly hopeless. You're old and anachronistic, and you have lost your mind completely. I mean, CRABTREE IS RIGHT THERE! TAKE HIM!That's it, just go away. Seriously, get out of my sight. You just ruined my day. You get an "F." Leave.
I hope Mark Sanchez finds you alone in a dark dorm room someday b. lee.
ReplyDeleteHey B.Lee.....Funny how your homerism invades even the smallest posts. The only slightly favorible paragraph involved Beeelicheck's eyes for the future (of cheating).
ReplyDeleteI spoke with Ed Werder of ESPN, who had a source, very close to Mr. B. LEE who mentioned just how disapointed and flabergasted Mr. LEE was when Bill passed not once, but twice on Mr. Mauluga from USC.
You really could have just made this an entire post about your anger of that one lack of a pick....