So for the first year in-a-row, the eternally spiteful and snobbish Pulitzer Board of Bozo's have audaciously, foolishly, and no doubt, soon to be repeatedly refused to honor FSD with the prize(s) that it so rightfully deserves! FSD has clearly carried the torch of responsible and significant journalism for months (months!) up until this point, and we demand recognition for our toils.
For example, was our muckraking piece on fraud in the mainstream media, not to up to Pulitzer's Investigative Reporting standards?
Or, has our educational series on professional hockey not lived up to the lofty Public Service expectations of the Board?
And I just refuse to believe that our attention-grabbing Braking News segments have not lived up to the... Breaking News (Wait, is that how it's spelled?) Reporting criteria laid out by the commission.
I wonder why it is even referred to as a competition if the winners are pre-ordained according to the Board's own elitist standards. I mean, what does the New York Times have that I don't have aside from an army of editors fact-checking and proofreading away? If you said, "a sense of humor", well then we've just reached the tip of the iceberg.
Do not think you have heard the last from me Monsieur Pulitzer. I will be sitting at your front door, knocking when you're getting ready to go to sleep, and snoozing on your front steps when you are heading off to work in the morning. The masses will be heard! There are dozens of us!
Just wait. I've got a call in to Oprah's Minge, and he's not pleased.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to tear the Board into a million tiny fibers... tell you that right now.