Give us a clue...
Something - that makes us look witty
Does your fantasy team suck? Probably?
Does your fantasy team name suck? Probably?
Well, we can't do anything about your first problem, but we can sure as shit do something about the second! Introducing,
FSD's 2010 Fantasy Baseball Better Than Your Current Name-Drop!
Take a look and choose wisely. It's all fair game.
- The Borbonyard
- Greinquixote
- When the Peavy Breaks
- "S"words and Shields
- Cole Hamels' Daughter
- Gavin Pink Floyd Experience
- Let's Get Bedarded
- Gallantly Gallardo
- Victorino Starts Here
- Aaron Hill's Have Eyes
- Brauntown
- Cano Corn
- LaRochembeau
- Upton Girl
- Hawpe Loves Scotch
- Barrels of Ethier
- Limp'bristed
- I Grandersofaraway
- Markakis 2 Feet Long
- Reyes of the World
- Uggla Stick
- Magic Wandy
- Viva de la Rosa
- Verlander: The Quickening
- Jars of Cla
- Tejada They Fall
- Felix Cream Pie
- Melky Discharge
- Bard's Tale
- DelcarmenSanDiego
- Boof Troupe
- Samardzijamacallit
- Votto Loco
- Uggla Kid Joe
- American Matsui
- Meche with Texas
- Spanglish Tweets
- Tory Torre Torii
- The Great Cocktiz
- Only the Loney
- Ethier Or
- Riske Business
- Morneau Doubt
- Kubel's n Bits
- Kid Cuddyer
- Guadin's Dead
- Swisherman's Platter
- Thames the Beast
- U.R.A. Dickey
- Duchschbagerer
- Au Contreras Mon Freres
- Utley Duckling
- Gload in my Pants
- Don't ask Dotel
- The Doumit'Go'Round
- Maholmy Don't Play Dat
- Torrealbatross
Additional contributions are by all means welcome.