Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Sickness South 2010
And as I listen at your wake
I saw how only you could make
Triumph out of tragedy
Tragedy into a divine comedy
West Sickness
Midwest Sickness
East Sickness
South Sickness
We have had enough of this delaying gratification pyscho-babble. Ah yes, we save the worst for last around these parts. It's the sloppy South and could this region be any more lame? I mean, Duke has a way of doing that to just about anything, which is why I always make sure the television is off before sex. I don't even trust C-SPAN with this responsibility. One Krzyzewski-bomb, and I'm flaccid for the evening. It's a curse.
As is this bracket. Hey assholes, I got an idea, let's give Duke a clear-path to the Final Four, shall we? First, we'll let them play the winner of the play-in game. That's right! They will guaranteed be playing the worst team in the tournament on day 1. But it gets better. Then we'll pair them up with two awful teams from Major conferences. Two teams that probably wouldn't be in the dance on a better year. But there's more! Their 4th-seed opponent? Let's just say that if the season were a week longer, this team probably wouldn't even be a 7-seed! The 3-seed has never won a tourney game I'm pretty sure and their 2-seed hasn't won a game since February. Classic!
Fuck you, guys. Seriously. Now I have to invent ways for Duke to lose, which will no doubt cost me points and eventually money, instead of just getting the courtesy of an obvious Sweet Sixteen mismatch (see 2009).
Sleeper Special: Maac Daddies over Purdudes
Pretty obvious at this point, but Purdue looks like a broken team. The loss of Hummel has just killed them. Siena is becoming overrated as a result and that scares me, but sometimes the obvious is obvious for a reason... Obviously.
Not-So-Sleeper Special: Aggies over Aggies... Or vice versa
It's honestly a tough draw for Texas A&M since Utah State pretty much cruised through their division. The only problem is that A&M did pretty well in their superior conference as well. They're super-balanced, and Utah super-isn't. Go Aggies.
Non-Top 4 Seed Most Likely to Wreak Havoc: Drunkin' Irish
I mean, did you see what this team did to the Big East. Harangody's injury made this team expand their arsenal and it has really helped. They are a matchup nightmare and potentially the only thing stopping Duke (fight white power WITH white power!).
Early FSD Favorite to Rule the West: Dookies
If Nova can escape Notre Dame, then we thinks the Wildcats can crush dem white boys, but it's just really hard to invest any faith in Nova right now... And this keeps me up at night.
Enough talk, now give me something that doesn't start with NIT and end with Winthrop-ARPB.
Let's dance, baby.
Sickness South
b. Lee,
college hoops,

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tycho braheville? you don't get extra points for being the only one who can figure out your little code word...or do you?