You got it, children!
- Gun Showalter
- Sexson Drugs
- Honey Nut Ichiros (D Friv)
- Lincecum Lately
- Lincecum Quickly
- Tower of Mauer
- Young Sonnanstine
- Joba the Hut
- Schilling Me Softly (D Friv)
- Soto Popinski
- Sugar Freel
- Freel Willy
- Ugglasfuck
- Theriot Squad
- Sucart Escort Service
- Optimus Primobalan
- The Huff Brets
- Wake n’ Bakefield
- Matsuicide Squeeze
- Rolen Doobies
- Wells’ Bells
- onehitters
- Francouerphobia
- Guns Gibbons
- Rocky Poppin Cherries
- Rocky Cherry-Poppin
- Wily Mo Hum
- Buehrle Legal
- Free Garko
- Pronk’s Adventures
- Gold Bonderman
- Bondermania
- Brandon’s Minge
- Ingevitis
- Roid Papi
- Chuck Kockblauch (D Friv)
- Catcher in the eye
- Pitcher w/ a glass cock
- Field of Creams
- Papi Razzi
- J Bay City Rollers
- Life Begins at the Hawpe
- Dempster Butt
- Funky Cold Mussinas (D Friv)
- Rocket's Juice
- Harden Fast
- A League of their Moan
- Salsa Valverde
- Hampton's Millions
- Grandpa Tejada
- Los Leethal
- Hunter Pence None the Richer
- Maholm Schooled
- Snell that Snell
- Snell the Roses
- Doumit to me
- Laroche Clips
- DiFelice Brothers
- Looper Fiasco
- Parra Balls
- Llamado Gallardo
- My Two Vlads
- Vlad Men
- Upper Cust
- Iwo Johjima
- Helton Skelton
- Billingsley Softly
- Loney Tunes
- Furcalifornication
- Barrels of Ethier
- Prior's Pussy
- Prolonging Prior
- Sacrifice Cunt
- Matt CoCain Train
- Emansky's Essentials
- Penny's Arcade
- Lugo Away
- Indebted to Dykstra
- Potluck Kruk
- Rape, Rob, and Milledge
- Boofballs
- Hawped up
- Papi Seeds
- Petitte Coat Junction
- Marcum Zero
- Hits from the Wang
- Milledgedly
- Nerf Turnbow and Arrow
- Strawberry's Septum
- Oil Can Roid
- Roids cause Rrhoids
- Bonds on Bonds on Roids
- Cocks and Bonds
- Millionaire Welfare
- Madonna's Migrants
- 9 More Years
- Karma Suture
- Curse of the Giambino
- Pavano's Ponsi Scheme
- Silent Bunt Deadly
- Manny Packs
- Swingin Nix
- Paranoid A-Roid
- Ethier Binge
- Explosive Renteria
- Melky White Substances
- None Loiaza
- Bonser Scheme
- Mike Lamb Chops Play-a-Long
- Field of Wet Dreams
- Olney the Strong
My personal favorites are Nerf Turnbow and Arrow, Iwo Johjima, and Ugglasfuck, but only because I'm a big fan of children's toys, atrocities, and cursing. Feel free to throw any others you can think of into the comments section. Fantasy!
No picture? Well, I was gonna toss in the cover of the Traffic album, but it could be the worst album art since U2's latest work