Manny had Bitch Tits.

My name is Manny.
I was a juicer. You know, using steroids. HCG, then hormonal therapy, they use for expecting mothers for Christ sakes. And now I'm bankrupt, I'm divorced, my two grown kids won't even return my calls...
They're gonna have to open my pecs again to drain the fluid.
I'm still a man...
I am not sure if this speaks to the slow nature of baseball, or if it is simply because Manny is the first REAL name to be caught in a drug test for PED's, but I did at least want to add to the hype a little more, even though we reached saturation point at about 7PM EDT on Thursday.
But what I'm really here to do is give you the real story.
The long hair?
The bizarre attempt to say this was being used for personal, medical reasons and not for performance enhancement?
The move to California?
It all speaks to one singular, unequviocal fact:
Manny Ramirez will soon be undergoing a sex change operation.
Ladies and gentlemen...
Allow me to introduce...
The Mangina.
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