"... I don't feel any shame in this. I think I'm doing exactly the right thing, and I don't feel I need to apologize. There's other franchises and other teams that want to sell tickets, and really don't care who they sell it to. But frankly, I do, and I think I'm doing the right thing the right way."
You see what the problem is Ted, is that other owners either A) don't need to worry about who buys their tickets because they have loyal fans who support their hometown team or B) face up to the fact that, although their team finished 2nd in the conference, their fans suck and deserve to lose home ice advantage.
The San Diego Chargers pulled a similar tactic during the 2007 playoffs. It didn't work out in their favor, and if I believed in bullshit, I'd say that this is karma at work. But I think it has more to do with an incomplete team spurring owner's insecurity toward cowardly business practices.
With the exception of season ticketholders, everyone has the same opportunity to purchase tickets for a playoff games. Assuming that the home team has a decent amount of season ticketholders and that Penguins fans are more concerned about buying tickets for games closer to their geographical location, then the ratio of hometown fans to visiting fans should be fairly secure. And what the fuck? If I live in Florida, but happen to be a lifetime Caps fan, then I can only buy tickets from some scumbag DC scalper? Buuuullshit.
How to think this one through, Ted. You think you're doing yourself and your fans a favor, but you're only expressing a lack of faith in your valued possession as well as your clientele. Pussy.
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