Flame is the game...
Long weekend y'all, who's ready to do this? And not only is it the first weekend of college football, but it also the last weekend of life without Pro football.
So rejoice everyone. For dark times are almost at an end.
In all honesty, these previews are wearing on the Deucester and I, just as we suspect that they are wearing on you, as well. But next week, the extended run will come to a close and we will even be getting some help from a few friends of the site. And don't tell anyone, but there may even be a Le Ginge sighting...
So what else do have to look forward to, aside from an extra day of non-production? Here goes:
- Your regly scheduled NFL Previews #9 - #1
- Commentary on the purpose, utility, and nature of Power Rankings
- Development of the Cover 2 defense in relation to the advancement of the non-blocking tight end
- Studies in Quantum Physics: Is a happier defense a better defense?
And it is just about that time...
The Sheet® is about to DROP.
Get fucking excited America...
But only after your long, relaxing weekend, of course.
And don't worry, the bastard that committed that heinous vocab crime in the title line will surely pay for his foolishness, I assure you.
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