But the people who want to watch the Patriots and Red Sox games, can go the fuck home and watch them there. Your owner purchased the NFL Sunday ticket, in addition to a dozen HD televisions in order to enhance your marketability as a purveyor of food, spirits, and entertainment. If you made your money strictly off of local sports fans exclusively, then there would be no need to have the NFL Sunday ticket at all. For what would be the point? The Sox are always on television, and the Patriots are never blacked out (but give it a few years, will you?), so you could just go with regular cable.
I setup shop yesterday at the best seat in the house. I have good vision of four televisions, and a 5th that always broadcasts the Game Mix. My expectations were as follows:
TV 1: Eagles-Saints
TV 2: Titans-Texans
TV 3: Falcons-Panthers
TV 4: Pats-Jets
Instead, it went down like this:
TV 1: Falcons-Panthers
TV 2: Red Sox-Orioles
TV 3: Pats-Jets
TV 4: Pats-Jets
Fortunately for me, the douchey BC graduate needed to go home and wash his Super Fan t-shirt, so I got TV1 changed over to the Philly-Saints blowout. And although I did get to watch to Daisuke-san continue his path back to greatness, I still would have accepted some clownshoe Kansas City fan forcing me to watch the biggest battle of ineptitude since Bill Pullman met Bill Paxton in Brain Dead.
Sundays are celebrated (forgive me, Jesus) because of football. FOOTBALL! Even if a region is colored by a particular allegiance to a specific team, this does not erase the singular truth that SuUNDAYS are for FOOTBALL. In the Fall, Sundays are not for regular season baseball games nor are they for Patriots games; they are for FOOTBALL games. Namely, the really fucking good football games. Now, the Patriots may be taking part in a really good fucking football game as was the case yesterday. But at this holy altar, the Patriots represent merely an integral relic that shares equal placement with the 15 others upon that mantle.
So get on your knees Boston area bar managers, and pray for forgiveness, for the football gods are always watching, and if there's anything that they like less than Sunday baseball, it's blind favoritism.
Oh, and while you're down there?
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