Why are we doing this? Consider it an exercise in expression, as well as a challenge to break our reliance on the naughty aspects of our language, in order to encourage creativity and inspire, ahm... Inspiration! So feel free to give a short, sweet farewell to cocksuckers, fuckfaces, and shitbirds, for their time is, temporarily, at an end. Bid a fond adieu to the cuntmuffins, open assholes, and dicksmokers of the world. And of course, a hearty adios to the spicmicnighonkhoopleguineas that we hold so near and dear.
And so it goes, these are the last "ear muff"-requiring words you will read on this page for the next four days. Should you suffer withdrawal symptoms, I ask you, kind army of commenters, to post your Tourette's-induced splurges at some other location. However, if you would like to join us in this experiment, then by all means, please do so.
And so we're off, flabby pussy flaps of the blogosphere. Let's do this thing and remember to keep it clean until the weekend. Be bold and keep the cursing to inaudible tones and illiterate scribbles. And I wish you good luck in this crusade.
Fuck. This is gonna suck.
I never FUCKING approved this!
ReplyDeleteThis was passed down from on high, my friend. I fear that my frequent use of verbal faux pas' has offended the all mighty Jah. I mean, it snowed in Boston yesterday and it's only October. So I am now seeking to make amends.
ReplyDeleteOh, and WATCH YOUR MOUTH!!!