Tuesday, October 27, 2009

THE SHEET®: Week 7 Results

We're at a critical juncture here, folks.  This shit is getting out of hand and I'm not sure what to do about it.  The sad bastard part about it is that Miami covering would not have even made a difference at this point.

We got two deadbeats that are running away with THE SHEET® and I don't like it.  And they're running away with it in the most eye-gouging of fashion; slapping up ill-formatted, albeit very amusing pictures and filling their creativity vacuum with pre-fab youtubage.  Sad to say, folks, but I feel responsible for it.

Well, at least I can take pride in remaining true to the spirit of THE SHEET®, opting for wit over cliche and originality over re-hash...

Oh please god, I just want to win one week...


Seven up.


  1. does Jables even watch football? Kid doesn't even have a TV for shit's sake.

  2. He goes on wild coke binges just before physically calling in his picks at 11:45 CST each and every Sunday. Sometimes these blowscapades take him to a sports bar, other times, to the dude ranch

  3. Stubb's ain't just the name of a music venue...

  4. Wouldn't it be nice if this exchange actually elicited some kind of response from Jables?

    Oh that's right, he's a delinquent

  5. There's no wi-fi hotspots in his welfare housing project.
