It's funny what cold weather does to athletes in the eyes of the spectator. In the last month of the baseball season, often times we forget that there are games still being played. Most of the time our team is either well out of the race already, or they have a built a sufficient enough cushion that games can either be ignored or at the very least, casual viewing can be tolerated.
But the big issue seems to be that football has started. The football season is a compelling affair, but the start of the season is perhaps the most interesting aspect of the eyar. Wow, the Titans suck? The Broncos are good? McFadden's a pussy? With the exception of the third query, all of these things are surprises and it is this element of the unknown that makes it so easy for us to turn away from the humdrum of the baseball season with which we have grown so familiar.
But when the MLB postseason begins, it is as if the players take on a new persona; they are warriors now. They've gone through 162 games; baked by the sun during the day and waned by the moon during extra innings, only to emerge through the clubhouse doors in October, greeted by the cool glaciation process that is Autumn. They are no longer ball players, but warriors. Our respect has been earned and with it, they do battle.
But is this feeling the result of the weather pattern? Or instead, is it the residual, or the remainder of the phantasmagorical discourse which the advent of the football season creates within our imaginations? Since we no longer take to the battlefield, these men do it for us, and we honor them with beer, fried food, and curiously overt displays of ego.
And so while that internal debate rages, here's THE SHEET® for week 5.
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