Saturday, January 30, 2010
Hi, Times
Emergency posting.
At least I think it's an emergency.
I'm pretty sure it is, but I also know that the situation will shortly resolve itself once a reverse backlash is brought upon the initiators of the backlash in effort to restore order.
Hysteria is upon us:
Headline: Kobe-Lebron ads feature gun slang
So, I think I get it-
Guns are dangerous, or something.
But you know what else is dangerous? Poor journalism.
I'd say get fucked, but you don't even deserve it.
b. Lee,
drugs are good,

Friday, January 29, 2010
En Route: Willin'
The NFL always wanted to treat the Pro Bowl as if it were some kind of treat, a dessert, if you will. After the main course that was the season, we had hopefully saved room for some special creation that would send us off into the night, not only nourished, but satisfied. Unfortunately, the Pro Bowl was never all that sweet, and most of us just left the restaurant before it could even be served, content to wander the streets until it was time for the August appetizer.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Introducing The pCSL!
Is there anything in life better than a nice, quiet night with your sweetheart by the fire? You have just shared a nice meal, maybe had a few glasses of wine, and now you are ready to relax and allow the evening to take you where it may. That is until....
What on earth is that funky smell?
b. Lee,
this is a sports blog right?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Countdown to 2010: Self-Defense Edition
As your may or may not know, the extraordinarily dangerous (oh, and beautiful) country of South Africa will be hosting the World Cup in the summer of 2010. This asshole plans on attending so long as this site starts bringing the appropriate level of advertising revenue. So far we're off to a bad start, but a man can dream, right? Tickets are on sale as we speak and the South African government, as well as capitalists across the world are scrambling to ensure a safe and pleasurable experience for international visitors arriving to support their teams.
Now we have mentioned (repeatedly) how dangerous South Africa can be, especially when throngs of tourists descend upon a country whose crime rate rivals that of Baghdad circa May of 2003. The logistical nightmare presented to South African police forces is profound to say the least, and so in reality, there is no way that your safety can be truly secured. For this reason, the good people at Protektorvest® ask the question, "Why not protect yourself?"
Introducing, your Joe Flacco-certified, World Cup 2010 commemorative knife-proof vest!
b. Lee,
South Africa

Rock Cridick: Contra by Vampire Weekend

b. Lee,
this is a sports blog right?,

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Better Know a Contender?

b. Lee,
Bruins fan,
Hockey bitch

You're Right...
I don't think you should be called "Big Baby" anymore, either...
"Big Jackass" is probably much more suitable to a man of your talents, disposition, and overall awareness of how nicknames are assigned.
b. Lee,
Basketball Jones

Monday, January 25, 2010
Blogsturbation Monday
Yeah, that's not how that word is spelled. Clean it up before Miami, Colts fans.
Two Weeks Notice. I'm just wondering why the playoffs were even necessary at this point? After a very emotional NFL playoff we have arrived at the conclusion that we knew as early as Week 10: the Colts and Saints are the two best teams in the league.
17 weeks,
b. Lee,

Friday, January 22, 2010
En Route: Hearin'
I ain't talkin' 'bout listenin'.
I'm talkin' 'bout hearin'.
In preparation for "Inventory 2010", I've been trying to keep my ear to the grindstone in order to be better prepared for the year-end festivities rather than rushing around for the last few months in order to familiarize myself with the pompously ordained essentials. So expect a few more appearances from the Rock Cridick this year not only to bore you with heavily thesaurus-referenced articles, but to also improve and maintain any and all chops that may or may not exist. Why not, right?
And you've no doubt seen our recent Coachella post at which ol' Deucey and I will both be in attendance. And after investing several hundred to a half-thousand dollars in gaining entry to this desert swassfest, I find that one maximizez such expenditures by being as educated about the music is possible prior to arrival. Which is why I'm currently sampling every band that will be in attendance in order to better avoid Luceros of the world and enjoy the Major Lazers in attendance instead. It's a project, but don't worry, I'm using plenty of work time to complete the chore. Y'all as excited about it as I am, or what?
Now hear this:
- Can't get to the show? Well then please sit snarkily in the corner (Hipster Runoff).
- I heard the grunts, but now I see the... Holy shit (Deadspin)!
- Who else knew Purple Rain was about that Minnetonka incident (AwfulAnnouncing)?
- And stop me if you've heard THIS one (The Sportress).
A Haters Guide to the Conference Championships
"The world needs haters
- Deuce
Because the team(s) sponsored here at FSD have both been bounced from the playoffs and/or never made it, and in lieu of the fact that we must pick a team to support (and with all due respect to KSK), we are choosing to say, "fuck it
The White Steeds
Why are they unworthy of your support: Because Peyton Manning's reign of advertising terror will NEVER end if his success continues unabated.
17 weeks,
b. Lee,
bein a hater

Coach Jim Caldwell considers resting starters in order to prepare for Super Bowl...
Iverson to start, suck in NBA All-Star game...
Logical Progression: Spoon's next album to be all instrumental, Britt's voice as exclusive instrument...
Much to San Diego's dismay, Nate Kaeding not a suicide threat..
Mark McGwire finally admits to taking steroids, your daughter's virginity...
Dallas Cowboys reward Wade Phillips' mediocrity with promise of future mediocrity...
Glen Davis' nickname actually more of a certified diagnosis...
Jeremy Roenick sites NHLPA '96 as evidence of Chicago's poor goaltending...
Future middle reliever, Joel Pineiro excited to be to in LA, or wherever the fuck the Angels play baseball...
Snowboarder totally stoked, stoned for Winter Olympics in Vancouver...
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Where Have All the Vinatieris Gone?
Disclaimer: The subject material that follows is simply being presented due to compulsory conditions. In no way does FSD find the subject material of any interest or import. If we had it our way, the subject of the following piece would be banned from competition and consideration, fantasy or otherwise, never to be spoken of ever again. We too have a dream, Martin Luther King, Jr. We too have a dream...
I suck, but at least I gave it my all, right, gang?
Braking News

The situations feels a lot like this:
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Dear Football
It is with great concern and anguish that I posit the following question:
Is everything okay?
17 weeks,
b. Lee,
college ball

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
En Route: Dreamin'
Need I say more? No. But I am going to anyway.
I love this holiday. Yes, the day off is nice. Yes, often times my birthday falls over this long weekend, and how cool is that? But more than anything it is just outstanding that our country has a federal holiday devoted to a minority. To frame this man in such general, even callous terms borders on the vulgar, but come on, did you forget where you were?
Martin Luther King, Jr. is easily one of my top 5 most essential historical figures. I mean, he's right up there with Chris Farley and the guy that invented Kraft Singles. We're talking big time here. He arguably did more for this country than any non-President, perhaps with the exception of Benjamin Franklin, who has basically earned honorary President status given his appearance on our currency. And perhaps most importantly, his actions fit right in line with FSD's core ideal: namely, that it doesn't matter if your statements will be considered controversial, unpopular, or even foolish, just say it, that is, if you truly mean it.
And do you even know how much tale this cat pulled down? By day, he was a blunt instrument of equality, tearing down every official racial barrier that stood in our nation's way. By night, he was a ladies' man, fucking everything and anything that moved. If you suddenly feel as if you're not doing enough with your life, well, you're probably right. So don't fight it. But, while you're thinking over your next life maneuver, take a break with some of this choice e-literature:
- Hockey and football, united in perfect harmony... /sniffles (Melt Your Face Off)
- You can take the Tiger out of golf, but you can't take the... Tiger out of golf? (The Sportress)
- Too bad Gil wasn't aware of such services (Food Court Lunch)
- And it is good to see the spirit of MLK still alive and well. Ahem. (Style Points)
A Lovers Guide to the AFC Divisional
"The world needs
- Deuce
Because the team(s) sponsored here at FSD have
Devil Rays
Why they are worthy of your support: Because they could very well ugly their way into the Super Bowl with a an effective running game and solid defense. And when have we seen that before?
17 weeks,
b. Lee,
bein a lover,
sort of

Thursday, January 14, 2010
A Refusal to Go Quietly

It's about love, maaaaan.
FSD Teamwork,
The Sheet 2009

Daily, er, Monthly Bills
The Buffalo Bills are a sad sack organization. They have a great fanbase, but it is a tortured one. If the Bills aren't wallowing in the basement of the AFC East, well then they are off losing consecutive Super Bowls four at a time. Sadly, this is the most interesting point of note for the entire organization. Don't believe it? Well then allow us to extend an invitation so that you may find out for yourself. You are ALL invited to bear witness to the wretched hilarity that is the Buffalo Bills Daily calendar.
What's that? The season is over, so why are we still talking Bills? Well, little Jimmy, just because the season is over doesn't mean the fun has to end!
Thursday, January 15th
Bills Fact
On this day (like, on this. very. day.) Buffalo Bill sackmaster and Hall of Famer Bruce Smith pleaded guilty to a DUI charge stemming from an incident back in May of 2009 in the state of Virginia. After being pulled over by police officers, Smith failed several field sobriety tests that were administered. Bills fans maintain that Bruce Smith failed the sobriety tests due to his lingering knee issues that ultimately led to his retirement. However the judge ruled in favor of the State, fining the NFL all-time sack leader $1,000 and was sentencing him to a mandatory alcohol safety program.
On the bright side, Bills fans, what is one more failure in the grand scheme of things? Sure this is disgraceful and embarassing, but so is your football team, so all in all, you have got bigger issues to deal with. Things such as, who is your quarterback next year? Honestly, who is the hells is going to be your quarterback next year. And perhaps most importantly, will it even matter?
And while we here at FSD won't be bringing these interesting factoids... daily, we will do you the favor of cherry-picking the GEMS such as the one above, so that you are able to know only the truly important details concerning this sad bastard franchise. Until the next black eye, Go Billies!
b. Lee,
drugs are good

A Lovers Guide to the NFC Divisional
"The world needs
- Deuce
Because the team(s) sponsored here at FSD have
Holy Mole
Why they are worthy of your support: Because it's New Orleans! They're so loveable! And fun! And dude... New Orleans! Katrina? Dude...
17 weeks,
b. Lee,
bein a lover,
sort of

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Better Know a Contender?

b. Lee,
Hockey bitch

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
How we did...
So, considering that we are just passed the New Year, as well as the end of the NFL regular season, and because it is a time for reflection, we are going to review those NFL previews we provided way back at the end of Summer. The New Year is a time to look ahead, rather than behind? I fancy myself a wool coat covered in velcro: it's sticky and when it gets wet, it stays wet. Go ahead... Run with it. Plus, it's fun to point out how wrong Deuce had been about so many teams.
Anyway, the final rankings are on the left and the number in parentheses represents our original prediction... Let the bloodbath begin.
17 weeks,
FSD Teamwork,
NFL Previews,

Friday, January 8, 2010
En Route: Pleadin'
Who the FUCK gets married in January? Put on a dress sweetheart and let's get those tits frozen off before I can even toss you in the sack to consecrate this temporary union! This week, as well as the following week, signify the most consequential football weekends of the year. Why the most consequential?
First off, the season is rapidly coming to an end. This means that we need to extract as much pleasure and excitement out of football as we can, because soon we won't have any football... Like, at all.
Secondly, this weekend and the next are the final days of wall-to-wall football. Meaning that we have early and late games. AND ON BOTH DAYS FOR FUCK'S SAKE! What's that? I shouldn't complain because I will still get one day out of the two to watch football? Hey sunshine, I'm an American and a male. I want it all and I want it all now. This drive is the very reason why we're at the top of this burning scrapheap called Earth.
Lastly, it is underdog weekend. Which of these teams will have the balls to knock off one of the evil bye-week teams in the Divisional Round? A Jets-Colts re-match? A Pats-Charge grudge match? One more Pack-Vikes showdown? The emergence of the dark horse-riding Cowboys? It's all up in the air!
While I'm stuck in a god damn church pew...
When you're busy NOT sending me text message updates on Saturday, check this old fly shit out:
- Just cause fantasy football is over, doesn't mean failure needs to end! (KSK)
- Guns don't kill people, Free Darko kills people. (The Sporting News)
- Warm up the bus, baseball. It's gonna be cold once football ends. (Babes Love Baseball)
- College football, we bid you good night. (EDSBS)
THE SHEET®: Results

FSD Teamwork,
The Sheet 2009

A Lovers Guide to the AFC Wild Card
"The world needs haters lovers. Without them, we'd be faced with a society of people walking around, consistently feeling good bad about themselves."
- Deuce
El Al Airlines
Why they are worthy of your support: Because Rex Ryan is a man when you are too busy being afraid to be a man.
- Deuce
Because the team(s) sponsored here at FSD have both been bounced from the playoffs and/or never made it, and in lieu of the fact that we must pick a team to support, we are choosing to say, "fuck it Yay!" If we are gonna be forced (in the end) to lend our support to some unworthy collection of impressive athletes, then we will not do so without a fight! Sure, it's not the NFC, but we can still (try) and be excited about the AFC, right? RIGHT?!? And so without any additional delay, let us introduce the detestable lovable candidates!
El Al Airlines
Why they are worthy of your support: Because Rex Ryan is a man when you are too busy being afraid to be a man.
17 weeks,
b. Lee,
bein a lover

Friday Bonebag
/Friday Shitbag
Can you say "Draft Stock"? Can you also say "Rising"? While the Alabama O-line certainly deserves plenty of the credit, we are going to give it all to Mark Ingram instead. Rushing for 116 yards on 22 carries, Mark Ingram gashed the stout Texas defensive line all night long. And while the loss of Colt McCoy surely damaged not just the Texas offense, but the psyche of the entire team, there is little exuse for allowing 235 rushing yards in the biggest game of your lives. Ingram's got both the power and speed to be successful in the NFL. Let's hope he stays healthy... For his daddy.

b. Lee,
college ball

Thursday, January 7, 2010
(Via ESPN) New England Patriots relocating to Kansas City
According to early reports out of Bristol, Charlie Weis may be joining former and fellow coordinator Romeo Crennel, recently hired as a Defensive Coordinator, as an Offensive Coordinator for the Kansas City Chiefs
Prior to the 2009 season, Patriots vice president of player personnel Scott Pioli was allowed to interview with several other NFL organizations before finally signing on as General Manager with the Chiefs. Together with Weis and Crennel, the Chiefs will have 3/4 of the Patriots brain trust that put together 3 Super Bowl championships in a span of four years.

Prior to the 2009 season, Patriots vice president of player personnel Scott Pioli was allowed to interview with several other NFL organizations before finally signing on as General Manager with the Chiefs. Together with Weis and Crennel, the Chiefs will have 3/4 of the Patriots brain trust that put together 3 Super Bowl championships in a span of four years.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
A Lovers Guide to the NFC Wild Card
"The world needs
- Deuce
Because the team(s) sponsored here at FSD have both been bounced from the playoffs and/or never made it, and in lieu of the fact that we must pick a team to support, we are choosing to say, "fuck it Yay!" If we are gonna be forced (in the end) to lend our support to some unworthy collection of impressive athletes, then we will not do so without a fight! And so without any additional delay, let us introduce the detestable lovable candidates!
The Majestics
Why are they worthy of your support: Because everyone loves a comeback. No, not Michael Vick's comeback. But Brian Westbrook's, you know, considering he is probably the key to the Eagles whole playoff run. Here's to a headache-free playoff run, buddy.
17 weeks,
b. Lee,
bein a lover,

Ricky Stanzi Will Save the Motherf*cking Day.
Iowa quarterback and "Middle American" hero Ricky Stanzi had a helluva game last night in the Orange Bowl to lead the Hawkeyes to a win over Georgia Tech, and cost me $20 in the process. Who bets on an ACC team that runs the triple-wing option to not only win, but cover a 6 point spread? This asshole.
More importantly on a global scale, FoxSports talking head Chris Meyers teed up a patriotic softball for Stanzi on the field after the game, and Johnny Football ripped it out of the park.
More importantly on a global scale, FoxSports talking head Chris Meyers teed up a patriotic softball for Stanzi on the field after the game, and Johnny Football ripped it out of the park.
college ball,
freedom isn't free,

Better Know a Contender?

b. Lee,
Hockey bitch,

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The Love is Coming
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
17 weeks,
b. Lee,
bein a hater,
military issue Wranglers

Monday, January 4, 2010
32 Things
As you may or may not have noticed, this blog is strongly biased toward two things in life: football and music. We try to unify the two in print as well as we do in our own minds, but these things do not necessarily translate all that well when traveling between the abstract to the tangible. But this new segment appears to be prepped for success and understanding. It combines our favorite sport with one of our favorite songs and the two get along just fine, even if it is also combined with one of our least favorite things; NFL recap posts. Regardless, it's 32 Things!
Final Edition.
Final Edition.
Rams: After allowing 8 sacks on the day, Colt McCoy and Jimmy Clausen are both considering a one year internship in the Arena Football League.
Lions: Free Calvin.
Buccaneers: So it looks like they mave found a quarterback for the first time in franchise history, but how about getting that defense squared away?
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