Tuesday, May 12, 2009

You're Not Wrong...

You're just a bad parent, Ernest Provetti.

Seriously, why on earth would you need an apology for that? Maybe if you were watching out for your son, instead of being so wrapped up in the game, you would have had the wits about you to shield your son from the 300 pound gentleman, tumbling in your direction.

The second reason you are a bad father, is that you're teaching your son to be a BIG pussy. Shit happens, friend. After you get cut off on the road, do you follow the driver to their destination and demand an apology for the perceived slight? Do you have that much time on your hands? Are you that temperamental? Or, do you just love the justice that an apology can restore? Glen Davis just hit the biggest shot of his LIFE, and sorry if he cannot be held responsible for his actions afterward. Hopefully in time he can check his emotions, but it was like the dude just busted his first nut. Forgive him for glowing.

So your son got bumped. He might have a small bruise. Your fucking newborn baby didn't just get stepped on. But it wouldn't surprise me if you were dumb enough to bring your preemie to sit courtside, considering your recent slide into ridiculous actions. And now your son should be rightfully picked on at school for daddy coming to his
rescue and demanding an apology for "excessive celebration." You probably let him sit at the bar before the game don't you? And when you go to the zoo, do you let him stick his arms into the polar bear cage?

Too bad the NBA cares so much, otherwise Big Baby wouldn't have been forced to apologize by David Stern, and we could all laugh at what a self-righteous prick you are. I'm still gonna go ahead and do it anyway.


  1. Another reason the NHL is better than your favorite league -- you don't even have to apologize after you BREAK SOMEONE'S FACE.

  2. Looks like Big Baby had his jaw removed at some point...

  3. Must be a face-transplant donor... Oh and, Ernest Provetti; you are actually wrong, too. I hope the title of this piece didn't mislead you or anyone else.
