Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Day After Dan Snyder

I know... A music review in the middle of a sports fan's ground zero?  Sometimes I seek refuge in the simpler things in life, when the art of running, jumping, and tackling just becomes a little complex for my waning mental processes.  Well, it's not really the physical attributes mentioned above that get me all curious George, but the financial considerations that make the operators of such movements go.  Because, seriously... What the fuck?

I understand that it is an uncapped year, and that many teams are just going buckwild as a result.  Spending as if the world ends at the end of the following season, and there will be no serious repercussions for some of the absurd contract signings that we have seen (6 years for a 30 year-old, 4 years for a 31 year-old, 5-year deals for fringe wide receivers, and 6-year deals for cornerbacks that don't get interceptions).  I mean, what happens if the owners and union come to a deal next month?  This is unlikely, but for the sake of argument.  What then happens to these contracts?  I mean, there's no way that these teams can honor all of these contracts beyond the uncapped season (assuming that a "capped season will follow at some point or another), unless they're intent on signing some replacement players to the league minimum come 2012 in order to make these contracts fit.

In a way, it does feel like the world is about to end.  Everyone is making bad decisions without fear of any negative impacts, well, because no one will be around to feel that impact.  Except this whole thing smells a lot like some phony chicken-little meets War of the Worlds fiasco where the owners are more than willing to offer these contracts since they have no intention of honoring them in the future.  So why not take one solid shot in 2010 at a Super Bowl, hopefully catch a whiff, or shoot, even win it?  In turn, the pressure is taken off you and your marginally talented coach (read: Lovie Smith), regardless of the financial/personal fallout between management and player that is sure to come the following season.  But players aren't the ones that buy season tickets are they? 

It all seems a little strange, and I'm not sure why so many people have been so silent on the matter.  Sure, an offseason blowout sale is exciting, but so was the housing bubble before it popped  evaporating our stucco-encased dreams in the process... Maybe we should see what the man behind the curtain thinks about all this.


  1. Fuck free agents, wait 'til the Bills draft the Messiah. I've got a Tebowner just thinking about it.

  2. Considering the Bills fancy for 6-10 records, this sounds like the perfect draft pick for such ambitions
