Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Peter King needs a cigarette and a sandwich...

"Brett Favre is a Viking and I want to kill someone."
- Le Ginge

(resident Purple People Eater)

Pending our BFF's ability to pee into a cup, complete 25 jumping jacks and turn his head from side-to-side, the Minnesota Vikings have a new, old quarterback. Oh, BFF you sly ol' fox; letting the whole universe believe you were officially gone for good, off to tend to the finely manicured fields and plains of the Mississippi Delta... Just to pull a rope-a-dope on us all. Absorbing blow after blow, jab after jab, just to bounce back off the ropes tossing haymakers-from-hell into double coverage.
Absence truly does make the heart grow fonder.

Oh yeah...and why don't you go ahead and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE.